Opgrader madrassen til 3,5cm for €10.02

Salgspris€14.95 EUR

DERYANs selvoppustelige madras er af høj kvalitet og testet til brug fra fødslen.

DERYANs selvoppustelige madras er super praktisk. Du behøver ikke at medbringe en pumpe, da oppustning ikke er nødvendig. Du skal blot åbne ventilen for at fylde madrassen med luft. Når den er godt fyldt, lukker du ventilen igen. Efter brug åbner du ventilen igen, ruller madrassen sammen for at presse luften ud og lukker ventilen igen.

Bemærk: Du behøver altså ikke at blæse selv. Selvoppustning kan føre til uoprettelige bobler i madrassen!

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3-in-1 design
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Rubber tires for a smooth ride
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Easy access
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Running or biking with kids made easy
5 star rating
Features Blocks
14-day cooling-off period icon 14 days reflection period
Should you change your mind within 14 days? Then you will always get your purchase price back.
Free shipping icon Fast Shipping
Ordered before 17:00 = shipped the same day
Easy return icon Easy returns
Hassle-free returns within 30 days.
Klarna Postpayment icon Pay afterwards with Klarna
Pay at your convenience with Klarna.


Benefits Section
Next day delivery
Globally patented products
Pay afterwards with Klarna
Free delivery

Thanks to the stagnant air, the DERYAN mattress always provides good comfort and insulation. The mattresses are made of high quality and suitable for use from birth. The mattresses have been tested and found to be safe, they contain no harmful substances and the glue used contains no toxic substances.


Dimensions: 120 x 65 x 3.5 cm
Weight: 0.5 kg
Suitable for: 0 months to 2.5 years
Color: black

What's in the box

✓ Self-inflatable mattress


✓ Suitable from 0 months
✓ High quality
Inflates on its own
✓ Easy to store