Autumn with little ones

Autumn with little ones

It's another one of the most fun times of the year, autumn! I am a mother of 2-year-old twins and together with my husband we love autumn. Autumn is perfect for cooling off again from the hot summer and being active with the kiddos. My husband and I love exercise and being outside in nature, so we involve our twins whenever possible.

My purpose of this blog is to share with you our experience of autumn and thank Deryan for supporting it. As I said, we are a pretty active family, for example, we also love to go for a walk with the four of us. But with twins of 2, you can't keep that up for more than 15 minutes. This resulted in our first experience with Deryan, namely the ROLO X2. The ideal stroller for 2! What a lot of miles we made in this as a family. Ideal for short or long distances. 

But there is more to do in the fall than just hiking. Thus, we are also active on bikes. After our first experience with Deryan , we also decided to purchase the Bike-A-Way. One for dad and one for mom, since there are four of us. This way we love to cycle to outdoor playgrounds or through the woods, ideal with the autumn weather the kids are always dry.

Finally, our most recent acquisition from Deryan: The balance bike. Ideal for keeping the kids active themselves. For example, we love taking the bikes in the car to a petting zoo or pumpkin farm to introduce the kids to the animals, pumpkins and the rest that awaits them. The bikes fit easily in the car and we take them out at the destination. 

We hope to bring you some ideas about what is possible with children in the fall through this way. We would like to thank Deryan for facilitating activities with twins!

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