Cozy dinner together with your family

Cozy dinner together with your family

One of the most enjoyable times of the day is dinner with a group of friends or with your family. You come back from work and grab your quality time with your family. Unfortunately, the reality is different. For example, research has shown that only a third of families still eat together in 2020. Far too little we think! Why, we'd like to explain to you using the following 5 aspects.

Eating together is educational

For children, eating together is very important. At a younger age, children develop and learn a tremendous amount from their surroundings. Did you know that as an immediate table companion, you influence that? For example, children learn not only from the conversations you have at the table, but also from the habits you have.

Eating together creates a bond

This situation is probably familiar to you: you and your partner are busy all day at work or putting the mess created the day before in order, your kids are off to school or with the babysitter, and in the course of the evening you are both ready for the couch or your bed. Yet dinner is one of the few times you have the opportunity to get everyone to the table at the same time. The time to enjoy it extra. Discuss the day and cherish these little moments when you have time with your loved ones. This is how you strengthen the bond with your children. Before you know it, they'll be out of the house!

Eating better together

Research has proven that more food is eaten when people are in a group. Are you alone around dinner time? Don't skip your dinner, as many do. But set a good example and call a friend to join you for another healthy meal. Or postpone dinner for an hour so you do eat with your family. Your child will likely eat more healthy dinner with the whole family at the table, and that's what you desire as a parent right?

From variety to omnivores

Eat what the pot calls for. Eating with the whole family, usually makes for more varied meals. Varied food is very important for your child in the early years. This teaches your little one to eat all types of food or at least to try them. Is your child an omnivore?

In short, enjoy each other and devote enough time and attention to dinner. Fun: let us know why you think eating together with your family is important!

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