Can I fly with my baby? Read all about traveling with your little one.

Can I fly with my baby? Read all about traveling with your little one.

The summer vacations are coming up and for many families that means going on vacation again. If you have a baby and are going by plane it can take quite a bit of preparation, here you can read what you can best do to take as few worries as possible on vacation.

Can I fly with my baby?

Officially, you can fly 7 days after the birth of your baby, only if there were no complications during delivery. However, it is recommended not to do this for a while. When the baby is 6 weeks old there is no harm in flying, after 6 weeks a baby's lungs are developed far enough so no damage can be done.

Important things before you leave

Before you leave for the airport you need to arrange a number of things, make sure you do this in the right way to avoid complications at the airport. Some of the important things are:

  • Applying for your baby's passport. If your baby does not yet have a passport you should apply for one as early as possible before your flight, even if you are staying within the European Union. This is important in case your baby needs medical care during your vacation.
  • Booking a ticket. Note! On many airlines, babies fly for free. The baby will not have its own seat but that is not yet necessary for a baby.
  • Packing baby stuff. It is better to bring too much than too little while packing things, so I recommend packing as many things as possible to avoid forgetting things.

During the flight

When you enter the plane it is time to make it as comfortable as possible. If you travel together with your husband or wife you can alternate tasks, one hour your partner does the work and the next you do it. One of the most important things during the flight is a good bed.

Deryan has one of these cots called the 'Air Traveller' this cot is very easy to use. The Air Traveller is really a helping hand during the flight, if your baby has to lie on your legs for a long time during the whole flight, your legs will hurt after a while. The Air Traveller ensures that your baby is comfortable and that your legs do not hurt during the flight. The Air Traveller is lightweight, it weighs less than 500 grams and it is allowed as hand luggage on the plane.


Air travel with a baby requires preparation and it is important to think of everything to avoid complications before, during and after the trip. But the most important thing is to keep enjoying the vacation and not to think too much about the trip back!

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