Getting through the cold days with a strong immune system

Getting through the cold days with a strong immune system

During the colder period of the year, your resistance is still sometimes severely tested. Almost everyone gets a cold from time to time. However, the cold is not what makes us sick, but it does have a direct impact on our resistance. Thus, most people sit inside with a warm blanket during the colder days. Windows and doors stay closed, the heating is turned up considerably and people seek each other out in indoor spaces. As a result, rooms are often poorly ventilated and viruses are more likely to spread, resulting in a runny nose!

Those with poorer immunity, are more susceptible to the viruses spreading. These people have a weaker immune system. This can have numerous causes, such as consuming unhealthy foods, poor lifestyle habits and not enough exercise. People with a weakened immune system feel tired more often, are more likely to get the flu and have regular cold symptoms.

Little ones are still a lot more susceptible to disease than adults. This is because the immune system can only fight known viruses. In order to boost your child's immune system and resistance, below we have some tips that can make a big difference for both kids and adults. 

Occasional naps

Adequate sleep is very important, not only for adults but also for infants. For a baby it is essential to have an average of 10 to 14 hours of sleep per day. During the day they are real busybodies, so make sure they get enough rest to recharge. An afternoon nap doesn't hurt either if they are a little tired during the day. Do try to establish a routine with bedtimes. This applies not only to your child, but also to adults. After all, building a routine promotes sleep!

Active outdoors

Make sure your child spends as much time as possible outdoors. In fact, fresh air is very good for the immune system. Let your child play outside, play sports or go for a nice walk together. Staying in motion ensures that the bacteria in the body are fought through the increased body temperature. You can also go out together with your child during the colder periods. For example, you can go cycling together. With the Deryan Bike-a-way you protect your child against the cold. It can easily be placed over the child's bike seat and comes with a poncho! This way you protect your child not only against the cold, but also against the rain.

Leaving stress aside 

Reducing stress has a greater impact on your immune system than most people think. For example, people with high stress levels get colds faster and are more likely to get infections. This is also true for children. As a parent, it is important to make sure your child does not feel your own stress and difficulties. Have fun together and always try to stay positive.

 The right diet 

Healthy nutrition is hugely important to strengthen your immune system. As a parent, it is important to give your child as much variety of food as possible. That way they will like much more when they are older, which is also nice for the person who makes the meals at home. To boost your resistance, it is important to get different nutrients. For example, you get fiber from whole grain products, vegetables and fruits. Vitamin D from oranges, dairy products and fish. Vitamin C from broccoli, chicory and kiwi. Nuts also help boost your immune system! Sufficient protein is also essential, of course. These can be found in chicken, eggs, beans and fish. Try making something new with regularity. Fun and tasty for you and your child!

Hopefully you and your child will benefit from these easy, but very effective tips to get through the winter without the flu and colds. Do you have any tips for fellow readers?

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