How can I lose weight after my pregnancy?

How can I lose weight after my pregnancy?

It is not unknown for women to gain a few pounds during pregnancy. Shortly after delivery, you already lose about six pounds as your baby, amniotic fluid and fiber leave your body. After this, you may notice that you still have some extra pounds than you had before the pregnancy. This is not bad at all but you may want them off. In this article are some useful tips you can apply to get the best results!

Not wanting too much

It is important not to want too much in a short time, your body needs to recover for at least six weeks after pregnancy. While losing weight you should roughly count on losing 0.5 kg per week. If you are still breastfeeding then you should not live in an excessive calorie deficit. You should expect to consume 500 calories more per day. So then you should not live in a calorie deficit where you take 1500 kcal per day, eat at least 2000 kcal so that you can lose weight but you can still breastfeed in a healthy way.

Losing weight by eating healthy

After pregnancy you should not start dieting right away, as your body still has to recover after the pregnancy. Six weeks after giving birth, you will have a follow-up check with the midwife, during which you can discuss whether you are ready to lose weight.

After pregnancy you often have little time to cook, you are busy all day with your baby and when you have some time to yourself you usually don't feel like cooking. You can avoid this by making sure you always have meals ready. Ask your friend to cook, freeze these meals and this way you will always have something healthy on hand.

Sports after childbirth

As with dieting, you need to wait a while with exercise until your body is fully recovered. Then once you start exercising you need to build it up slowly. Do you notice that something takes too much energy? Then stop the exercise and take a rest, as it may be that your body is still not fully recovered. Exercise is one of the most important things when you want to lose weight, but you should not overdo it, as this can cause injuries and you will be even worse off.

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