An overnight stay at Disneyland

An overnight stay at Disneyland

Last September I went to Disneyland Paris with my husband (Maarten) and our three-year-old child (Björn). For over half a year we had been looking forward to our night at Disneyland. Björn loves the Disney characters, he has been watching several Disney movies and series since he was born. So Maarten and I decided to surprise him for his birthday with an overnight stay in beautiful Disneyland Paris. Which of course was no punishment for us either.

We weighed up whether to go by train or by car. With the train you don't have to deal with crowds on the road and parking costs, with the car you can travel at your leisure and you don't have to drag the luggage around. So in the end, we chose to go by car. So we left from our home town (Emmen) for Paris. There was a rough eight hours planned for it, so we chose to leave around 00:00 so we still have a whole day in the park.

After a long trip during which Björn slept regularly. Maarten and I alternated behind the wheel. We first brought our luggage to the room so the three of us could have a nice breakfast together. After breakfast we made our first meters in the park. Since we knew Björn was not going to last the whole day of walking, we had brought the Rolo baby carriage from Deryan in advance. This allowed Björn to occasionally sit in the baby carriage and we could put some food and drinks in the bottom of the stroller.

After a great first day ending with dinner and an overnight stay at Disneyland, we spent the second day wandering around as well. But around three o'clock we started our way back to Emmen. After returning home we can look back on two great days in which Maarten, Björn and I enjoyed ourselves. Highly recommended for everyone!

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