10 Tips for maternity gifts

10 Tips for maternity gifts

Maternity gifts can be very difficult, what is appropriate and original? Below are 10 fun gifts that are sure to make parents and child happy.

  1. Play Gym

Looking for a gift that encourages your baby's development and motor skills? Look no further! A Play Gym is a perfect gift for family and close friends. The Play Gym has a soft surface and removable toy poles. As a result, the play mat can also be used separately. The small toys that come with it will stimulate your child and introduce them to their first skills!

  1. Tooth box or hair lock box

It may not be the first thing you think of, giving a tooth box or hair lock box as a gift but it can mean a lot to parents. First teeth or locks of hair are usually very sentimental to parents and they want to keep them. A box ensures that it can be kept safely and for a long time, a nice and inexpensive gift.

  1. Plaster cast set abdomen

Another sentimental gift: making a plaster cast of the pregnant belly. A pregnant belly is something that doesn't happen often in a woman's life, a moment that should be preserved. You get the best results by the 34th week of pregnancy so not a maternity gift but you could give it earlier as an early maternity gift. What you can also do as a gift is to use plaster to make an impression of the mother or father's hands and the baby. You could give this as a maternity gift.

  1. Memory casket

And we're not done with sentimental gifts yet. Little ones grow up fast and ideally you want to keep everything they find or get. Birth cards, pregnancy test, first socks and first crafts. Everything needs to be kept and that's why a memory box is a nice gift to give so they can always look back on it.

  1. Baby pool

Spring is coming and everything is starting to bloom again and I am probably not the first person to think of this: summer is coming! And what goes with summer? Swimming! Now that's not so easy for a baby, they still really enjoy messing around in the water and relaxing. The pop-up pool is easy to fold up and take with you, convenient for home and vacation! And thanks to the 60cm high canopy, baby is also protected from the sun.

  1. Your own personalized booklet

Done giving the same thing over and over again? A personalized book will make every child happy. A book with your baby's name in a story by Woezel and Pip or Miffy, for example. At Primera you can buy a nice book for a nice price.

  1. Baby Album

A baby album is perfect to give a mother as a gift. In the first year a lot of development happens, the baby grows enormously and many milestones pass by, nice to capture that in pictures. This way you can always look back at it.

  1. Home delivery voucher or bring your own food

New parents are busy enough with their just born baby and cooking can't always be convenient. So give them a gift certificate from Thuisbezorgd! Great food to order and not have to think about doing the dishes! Would you rather cook something for them yourself? No problem, making your own food is also a sweet gesture and they will surely be happy. Just ask if they have any allergies!

  1. Maternity basket

Finding it hard to choose which gift is the best? No problem! All small gifts in a basket is a super cute and original gift. A bodysuit, cuddly toy, pacifier, baby shampoo, diapers and a bath duck and hoppa done!

  1. Ask it yourself what the parents need

You can of course come up with something yourself but if it really doesn't come up or you don't find anything original you can always ask the parents themselves what their needs are. The surprise is a little less but then you can be sure that they will like it!

Hopefully these tips helped you find a nice gift and if not, you can always check out our website for great gifts. And don't forget to give the siblings a little gift too!

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